Make a Payment
Whether you’re a tenant or an owner Cernach Housing Association tries to make rent and factoring payments as convenient as possible. There are a number of ways to pay which are explained below. Remember though, if you are a tenant you need to pay your rent monthly in advance.
At the Post Office or PayPoint
You can make cash payments using your payment card at any Post Office or shop that has PayPoint. Payment cards are easy to use; you simply hand over the payment and your card. You will be given a receipt which you should keep as proof of payment. If you haven’t already got a card we can order you one or if you lose your payment card please ring the office to order a new replacement.
By Direct Debit or Standing Order
If you have a bank account you can make payments by Direct Debit or Standing Order. If you are a tenant or shared owner and wish to pay by Direct Debit please complete and sign a Direct Debit Form then return it to the office so we can set this up. You can also set up a Standing Order Form and return it to your bank; these can be obtained from our office. If you are an owner and wish to pay your factoring bill by this method please complete an Owners Direct Debit Form or contact our office for a standing order form.